My first read of Haruki Murakami and I simply love it! The smooth writing slides into your daily life as if it was always a part of you. You don’t seem to register that the fiction that you are reading has slowly started taking a place in your real life. It becomes a part of you
Reading this book feels like being wet in the winter rain. Even if you love rains, (I do), winter rains aren’t a very great feeling…everything’s damp, cold and almost lifeless. The damp feeling lurks throughout the book- in the characters, in their lives and in their thoughts
The book perfectly portrays the functioning of the mind of a person reaching adulthood. We are put through a lot of questions to which the answers have to be found by us, for instance, is it ok to forget the dead? Can you love two people at the same time? What decides who is better? Are we what we think we are in our minds or we are something that the world sees on the outside?
Fogging of the line demarcating reality from mind-labyrinths is a recurring theme in the book.
It's a simple love story with complicated thoughts.